Contents V.6, N.1, 2015

    SHAVKAT ALIMOV - 70 (pp. 120-120)
  • Abstract.

    2 March 2015 is the 70th birthday anniversary of Doctor of Physical-Mathematical Sciences, Professor Shavkat Alimov. Alimov was born in 1945 in Nukus, Uzbekistan. He graduated from Moscow State University in 1967. He got Ph.D. degree in 1970 and Doctor of Sciences degree in 1973. Since 1974 he is a Professor. Shavkat Alimov is well known specialist of Central Asia on the theory of the differentional equations of mathematical physics in particularly equations of elliptic type and on the spectral theory of operators. He studied Some Integral Equations in Hilbert Space with an Application to the Theory of Elasticity. Shavkat Alimov is an author of 4 books, a textbook, more than 150 scientific articles, most of which were published in international and foreign scientific journals. In 2000 he was elected an active member (academician) of Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences. Presently he is a Professor at the National University (Tashkent State University). Shavkat Alimov is working in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, as a Chief Scientist of MIMOS for three years. Shavkat Alimov is a member of the Editorial Board of the TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics and is doing all his best for development of this journal.


    The Editorial Board of our journal congratulates Professor Shavkat Alimov on the occasion of his 70th birthday and wishes him continuing good health, new beautiful theorems in his favorite topics and in new ones, new brilliant pupils.

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