Information for Authors

We consider articles which:

  • must contain original work
  • must not have been published previously
  • must not be under consideration for publication in any other journal or book available through a library or by purchase
  • must contain a short abstract ( no longer than 50 words), keywords and AMS Subject Classification, 2000

for publication in “TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics”. Articles based on theses for higher degrees may be submitted, as may articles presented at conferences, provided these articles do not appear in substantially the same form in a published conference proceedings. Authors of articles are not restricted to being members of any particular institute, society or association.

Our journal does not charge any publishing fees. The authors of the accepted paper will be requested to arrange print charges from their institutions/research grant, or any other sources if they indicate in the paper the research grant. The corresponding author of the manuscript is responsible for making or arranging the payment (for instance, via the institution/projects) upon editorial acceptance of a manuscript.

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Please, send your article to the with the words “electronic submission for TWMS JPAM” in the subject line.

For subscription details and future editorial correspondence please contact to:

Fikret Aliev

Institute of Applied Mathematics, Baku State University

Z.Khalilov str., 23, AZ 1148,

Baku, AZERBAIJAN e-mail:

Copyright Transfer Statement

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Z.Khalilov str., 23, AZ 1148,